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Posts Tagged ‘pins and needles in legs’

Welcome to Breckenridge Chiropractic's pins and needles in legs Archive. Here you can learn more about Breckenridge Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Mat Pastore, today's choice for Chiropractors in Chester, VA. Read Dr. Mat Pastore's Chiropractic pins and needles in legs for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - (804) 575-7972.

Success Story! No More Pins and Needles in Legs!

I would lose feeling and have pins and needles in my legs if I rode in a vehicle for much more than 1/2 hour. Through decompression this problem is no longer present. I would recommend chiropractic care. S.M. Amelia, VA 10/3/11

Breckenridge Chiropractic