Better Health For A Better Life

Hip Pain Success Story!

(In a letter to Dr. Pastore) ~ When I first came into your office I was desperate- hardly able to walk because of the pain in my hips and in desperate need of help.  I knew a nerve must be pinched in my back- but I definitely did not want anyone to do surgery of any kind.

Yes, it has now been 5 months since I walked into your office.  I also am able to walk every morning without pain for 1.5 miles and considering extending it to 2.  I feel very fortunate that I found you (Dr. Pastore) and you not only confirmed a pinched nerve, but did what was necessary to alleviate it.  I particularly appreciate the fact that you had me learn how to do the exercises correctly to help keep me from reverting back to the original condition.

Not only thank you, but also thank the staff who have been very patient and kind to me during this period- particularly when I was trying to get the exercises down- right.  With this kind of assistance and professionalism I feel confident that I can stay healthy and mostly out of pain.

N.W.  ~ 8/10/11 ~ Chester, VA

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For Your Health,

Dr. Mat Pastore

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