Better Health For A Better Life

Drug Trial Victims and Dead Babies
Presented by Dr. Mat Pastore

Read Drug Trial Victims and Dead Babies Presented by Dr. Mat Pastore to learn more about Breckenridge Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in Chester, VA.

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The following articles were featured in the The Bulletin on Saturday, March 18, 2006. They are classic examples of the sad and misdirected absurdity that exists within our health care system. Please do not be deceived – drugs and surgical procedures, while claimed to be safe, effective and routine, are fraught with danger, trial and (mostly) error, often with disastrous outcomes.

Drug Trial Victim in Long Coma:

A man is fighting for his life after a medical trial in Britain went disastrously wrong. The man’s sister-in-law said, “The only sign of life Ryan (Wilson, 21) has shown in the last three days is when his brother kissed him and a tear rolled down his cheek. He may be in a coma for up to a year.” The man was described as looking like “The Elephant Man” after the drug trial left him with hideous swelling and organ failure. The previously healthy man had volunteered to test what was described as a ‘safe’ drug, designed to treat rheumatoid arthritis, leukaemia and multiple sclerosis. The man remains on life support.

Safe drugs?

There is no such thing as a ‘safe’ drug. All drugs cause a side effect and co-effect if the person is taking another drug at the same time. Do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to get off all drugs and replace their use with a body and nerve system that is functioning at 100%, 24/7, 365 days a year, throughout your life.

Things to do this weekend:

Rent “The Constant Gardener” on DVD this weekend. This movie will change your life and your understanding.

Heart Doctors Defend High Baby Death Rate:

A Brisbane, Australia hospital has defended its record after eight babies who had a now banned procedure (due to insufficient testing and research) all died within an 18-month period after having a surgery named the “Norwood Procedure.”

Doctors at the hospital said yesterday it was a medical anomaly that ALL eight babies that had had the procedure died. Each baby had hypo-plastic left heart syndrome, where their left ventricle (chamber) in their heart was smaller and less developed than normal.

The director of cardiac surgery said, “Their deaths were extremely unusual and unlikely to be related to any of the operative factors.” When asked whether the fact that eight out of eight babies who had had the procedure died was a freak anomaly, the doctor said, “I think that’s a reasonable conclusion.”

Note to reader:

Curiously, eight out of eight babies were alive prior to having the procedure. If the procedure is safe, why has it now been banned?

The director went on to say, “Without surgery, all babies with the condition die.” Apparently, all babies who have the surgery die also.

  • Do you…know someone who is taking medication regularly?
  • Are you…worried about what it might be doing to them in the long run?
  • Could you…pick up a special gift certificate and welcome pack from our team today?

If you know someone who constantly takes drugs and medication or who is considering having surgery to fix their health problems, be sure to arrange a subluxation evaluation for them today – it could SAVE their LIFE!

Remember, this month’s Theme of the Month is Medication. This month, all of your friends, co-workers and family members who are battling with Medication are entitled to an Initial Subluxation Check-up. Be sure to speak to a member of our team to get your “New Patient Welcome Packet” that you can give to the friend, co-worker or family member that you have in mind

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Chiropractors Chester, VA

For Your Health,

Dr. Mat Pastore

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